Showing posts with label Marco Island. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marco Island. Show all posts

Aug 20, 2014

Watch Lane Inspire the SAF Convention

Last week, Sun Valley was honored to win the "Marketer of the Year" award from the Society of American Florists. We won for our efforts to promote Women's Day, which is celebrated on March 8th.

Please take 6 minutes to watch this rousing speech made by our CEO, Lane DeVries, as he accepted the award, and took the opportunity to recruit 300 of the biggest names in the floral industry to support Women's Day. (...and gave the $5,000 check back to the SAF to continue promoting Women's Day!)

Tina, Alecia, Beth, Marisol, Lane, Laura, Erica, Mary Lou, Wendy and Amy, all members of the Sun Valley team.

For more information on Women's Day read these two Flower Talk posts, which interestingly, are the two single most read posts in Flower Talk's history. 

Women's Day, by John Niblock from the Produce News 

Women's Day Homecoming

Thanks to the SAF for this award, and now is the time to start planning for Women's Day, March 8th 2015.
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