Showing posts with label Laterals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Laterals. Show all posts

Jul 19, 2016

New Roselily Varieties

The Roselily is a gorgeous freak of nature.  Its spontaneous mutation (lush, multi-layered petals) was discovered by the De Looff Brothers in the early 2000s.  Over the next decade they worked with this mutation in their breeding program to bring forth the earliest Roselily varieties, Belonica and Fabiola.

new roselily thalita
New Roselily Variety, Thalita

These first flagship varietiesBelonica and Fabiolatook the floral world by storm.  Roselilies were new, complex, and singular; they also boasted other positive attributes like long vase life, no pollen, and a sweet, pleasing fragrance.

New Roselily Variety Natalia
Roselily Natalia

However, because the initial Roselily varieties were the very first-of-their-kind, they had some issues (weak laterals, bud breakage) which the team at De Looff Lily Innovation succeeded in overcoming with new and improved Roselily breeds such as the speckled maroon Thalita, the elegantly white Carolina, the soft Natalia, and electric-pink Elena.

New bright pink roselily elena
The bright pink Roselily Elena
These new Roselily varieties possess genetic improvements like thicker stems and stronger laterals.   These new, optimized roselily varieties still have lush, layered blooms, but now they sit atop a super strong stem base for no bud breakage.

New white roselily carolina
Roselily Carolina
We've been farming Roselilies for five years now, which has given us insight into the best growing conditions as well as post-harvest care.  One practice we have seen excellent results with is the practice of netting.

growing roselilies
Netted Roselily Bud
We pick Roselilies at a more advanced stage than our other lilies.  By gently covering the flower with a gerbera net, we ensure it stay closed, which allows us to keep the Roselily in the ground. This means the flower is able to continue obtaining nutrients, providing more saturation of color, bigger blooms, and stronger stems; plus, the nets have the added benefit of protecting the petals during transit.
gerbera net roselily

Flower breeding is fascinating, and we are pleased with these new, strong Roselily varieties which have come from years of optimization.  From one mutation came two varieties, and from two varieties, we know have the crème de la crème of Roselilies with more to come!

white roselily varieties dalinda
Roselily Dalinda
We offer the whole range of colors year-round, so whether you want pure white, freckled pink, dark maroon, or electric rose, we have the Roselily you are looking for.
unique roselily varieties
Roselily Thalita

Lady Aster Talks Roselilies

Mar 10, 2015

Advantages of Drip Irrigation

Drip irrigation is a modern method in which water is delivered directly into the root zone of the plants. Drip Irrigation systems are able to supply small amounts of water at high frequency intervals. As a result, a relatively constant moisture level of the soil can be maintained.  This enhances good growth and production.

Traditional way of irrigating the entire field by flood irrigation results in significant loss of water.  In Drip irrigation water is saved and water in the wetted area increases the efficiency of water and nutrition uptake.

Advantages of Drip irrigation

Increases revenue from increased yield
Increases revenue from increased quality
Decreases water costs
Easy installation
No drift
No water being supplied to weeds
Decreases labour costs
Decreases energy costs
Decreases fertilizer costs
Decreases pesticide costs
Less evaporation of water compared to surface irrigation
No soil erosion
Improves seed germination
Improved environmental quality
Fertilizers can be directly applied efficiently through drip irrigation system
Drip irrigation can be used with polyethylene mulch which increases the yield further

In Drip Irrigation for effective result design is the key.  Lower salt content of the soil can be achieved by Drip Irrigation

 See also