Showing posts with label J Schwanke. Show all posts
Showing posts with label J Schwanke. Show all posts

Apr 18, 2017

What Happened to Admin Day?

This April 26th, 2017 is National Administrative Professionals Day (formerly known as Secretary's Day and Administrative Assistant's’ Day), which began in 1952 as a day allocated to thanking and encouraging professionals in administrative positions.  Over the last decade or so, this holiday has fallen by the wayside, mostly due to confusion over who exactly is considered an administrative professional.

Secretary's Day

How did it start?

Secretary's Day in the pastDuring World War II, the National Secretaries Association was founded to attract workers to the administrative field as low population rates paired with flourishing post-war business had led to a shortage of a skilled workforce.  The Association, in tandem with other corporate groups, started National Secretaries Week (the last full week in April), designating Wednesday as the official day of recognition and celebration of the contributions made by administrative personnel. 

As years passed and times changed, so did the verbiage used to describe these working professionals, with the holiday and association renamed to "Administrative Professionals Day" and the "International Association of Administrative Professionals."   This change was intended to encompass not only the expanding responsibilities of admin professionals, but also the wide spectrum of administrative support positions that had become a necessity in the modern workplace.
Admin Day Sun Valley Floral Farms
Tina, longtime Sun Valley force majeure
This change presents a much bigger—and more whole—picture than the original "Administrative Professionals Day."  While this is generally positive, the change in name has led to confusion about who should be recognized as an "administrative professional," prompting many to abandon recognizing anyone at all.

Who is an Administrative Professional?

Professionals Week IT team
Kyle of the indispensable IT department
Think of anyone in your large company or small business who provides the behind-the-scenes, critical work--those who provide services which are essential, challenging, and often without glory.  Great administrative professionals make the team look good while keeping daily functions running as smoothly as possible.  The name of this holiday was changed for a reason--these are no longer just the traditional "secretaries" of 1952.

Celebrate Professional Assistants Admin Day
Kristen and Kelly are essential to our sales team
  These professionals can be your IT team, bookkeepers, office managers, production assistants or any number of essential support staff. Their work is incredibly valuable, not to mention necessary, to a company's goals, both in the short and long term, and deserves respect and appreciation all year long.  Not to mention, they could probably benefit from a celebratory week of recognition as well.  Administrative Professionals Week can provide such an opportunity, and can be a time to give the entire office a boost.
Say it with Flowers Administrative Professionals Day

 What Can We Do?

 We can use Administrative Professionals Week to celebrate our teams and create an environment which fosters teamwork, commitment, and productivity, by recognizing all of the parts which make the whole. 

I asked J Schwanke, renowned floral expert, if he had any tips for those who want to celebrate their administrative professionals.  His advice is to "stay away from a card that says “Happy Administrative Professionals day”…and stick to a “THANK YOU For all YOU DO” card… it’s just a good time to say thank you and give someone that helps, and supports you (in your business or career) Flowers! I think we do need to reclaim the holiday and perhaps it needs to become… Professional Thank YOU Week!"

Perhaps use each day of "Professional Thank You" week to recognize a a different administrative department, and celebrate in whatever way you can -- we recommend having lunch delivered or flowers for their desks (or both), and nothing beats a personalized thank you.
What Happened to Admin Day

What about you? What do you think the Flower Industry can do, and how will you be reclaiming Administrative Professional's Week? 

Lady Aster What Happened to Admin Day

Aug 11, 2015

What's the Story Behind Your Flowers?

"At a dinner party one should eat wisely but not too well, and talk well but not too wisely.
                                                                                                             -W.  Somerset Maugham

They say you eat with your eyes first. The appearance of food plated at a restaurant or at home is the first experience a diner has with the meal, long before smell, and even longer before taste.
flowers for a dinner party
Amber Waves
However, I would argue that the experience starts before that. The table, the room, the music, the conversation and of course, the flowers, all compliment or detract from the food. These impact our senses before the food or drink is served. It is ironic that people throw a “dinner party,” when really it could be an “ambiance party” or a “flower party” or even a “conversation party.”
tulips for a dinner party
Redwood Tulips
With the Field To Fork movement about as hip as dinner can get right now, and the Field To Vase movement close on its heels, we are lucky to experience this wave of farmers market inspired dinners and flowers, this didn’t exist ten years ago.

The interesting thing about flowers as a centerpiece, arranged around the room or in the kitchen is that as the food gets eaten, wine bottles get emptied, plates cleared and conversation creates its own path among friends and family, what stays on the table?

 The flowers.
tulip dream centerpiece
Tulip Dream
Chairs get pushed back, napkins folder into odd shapes, candles burn down, but the flowers remain. It is the flowers that stay as the focal, starting before the food comes and remaining after the waiter has brought the check, or your host has stacked the plates in the sink.

The flowers often become a conversation piece in themselves, and especially now, as the story of where your flowers came from is just as important as who grew your lettuce or vinted your wine. Do you know your flower farmer personally? Do you know the farm where they grew?  Are they grown in the United States?
Hot Property
Perhaps a good dinner party is really a “story party,” since this is what we talk about, the story of the recipe you used on the wild caught California Salmon, or perhaps how you developed the drink recipe for your signature cocktail, maybe how you toured the vineyard of the wine you are pouring.  Sure, we talk about family, work and topics of the day, but when you throw a dinner party you are sharing your home, your passions and your knowledge with your guests.
Make sure you have the story of your flowers in your repertoire, your guest will surely ask where they came from.

A big thanks to J Schwanke of for all the wonderful flower arrangements in this post.

flower farming blog

Sep 9, 2014

J Schwanke's New Video Using Our Hydrangea and Tulips.

J Schwanke just completed a wonderful video using Sun Valley flowers. Our big beautiful hydrangeas and our long, elegant purple tulips are the stars of the show. J has a great way of simplifying an arrangement and explaining it, so even a rookie can create a beautiful flower design.

Check this out, and get inspired!

This week Sun Valley also made a splash on the Field To Vase blog which is a gorgeous flower site, curated by Christina Stembel and her team at Farmgirl Flowers.

And in case you missed it, there was an article in the Huffington Post talking about our "CAGrown" Cotinus, which is the perfect foliage to highlight your fall flowers.

...and I had a to share a few photos of our Zantedeschia, WOWZA!

Buy Zantedeschia

#AmericanGrown Calla lilies

Sun Valley calla lilies

Ok, quit drooling. Back to work!
best flower blog


Dec 11, 2012

Emerald With Envy, Pantone 17-5641

Now that you have had about a week to ponder Pantone 17-5641, let’s talk FLOWERS! You’ve seen the runway models in gorgeous emerald dresses; the wild emerald jewelry that is back in vogue and anyone on Pintrest has seen a huge emerald wave crash over cyberspace. Some of these emerald fans are getting a bit carried away, but if you can’t get carried away in the fashion industry, then where can you?

Pantone 17-5641 examples
Pantone 17-5641 grips the world! Shoelaces, a python, and the Emerld City...where the Wizard lives. 

Luckily at Sun Valley we don’t need to look too far to find amazing emerald hues. In our botanical category some of our most popular items are emerald. Green Ball is an ever popular style of dianthus. Adding volume and beautiful texture to any arrangement, Green Ball will be the bell of the ball this season. Speaking of bells, how about Bells of Ireland? Ireland is known as the Emerald Isle, and our Bells of Ireland are about as close to Pantone 17-5641 as you can get. Its scientific name is Moluccella laevis and it’s a member of the mint family. In the language of flowers, it means “luck” and since we are growing this crop down in Baja, you are in luck that you can order it today, even when it is dark and stormy back in the old country.

Emerald Pantone 17-5641 at Sun Valley
Green Ball, Bells of Ireland, Corgy White Brassica

Ornamental kale, otherwise known as Brassica, is a really unique design element either playing a leading role as a focal in bouquets, or adding girth and substance to accent lilies and iris. We grow several varieties of brassica throughout the year, but currently we are harvesting a variety named Corgy White. This variety has rich green leaves on the outside and reaches a white center. On the journey beautiful emerald tones highlight this unusual botanical.

Rodi Groot the lead bouquet designer for our Sun Pacific Bouquet division in Oxnard says, “ In bouquet design I like using green flowers like viburnum, green ball, bells of Ireland and green hypericum to name a few. They bring calm to the bouquet and at the same help the other colors pop!”

Pantone 17-5641 Flower Bouquet
A beautiful emerald design from Rodi Groot in our Sun Pacific Bouquet department. 

Hypericum is seriously in demand this time of year. Its shiny berries make it a favorite of floral designers. We have brought in a large shipment of hypericum from our partners in Ecuador. The “Selvia Romance” boasts heaps of emerald green berries; perhaps the runway models should be carrying a bouquet of this stand out…although it might outshine the Divas.

Selvia Romance Hypericum

And when it comes to Divas, anyone who follows this blog will be thrilled to know the Queen of Greens is ecstatic about the new Pantone. Our West Coast Evergreen Division is full of green foliage in a variety of shades, whether specialty branches, Christmas greens, seasonal greens or western greens.

Sun Valley is known first and foremost for our year round tulips, and guess what? We have Pantone 17-5641 in a tulip. Check out our Super Parrot. Yup, that’s the real deal; the white edges provide a great contrast to the green petals. Ooh la la.
Pantone 17-5641 Tulip
Sun Valley's Super Parrot Tulip.

We sent a note over to J Schwanke, The Flower Expert and Host of FUN with Flowers and J,, and asked him his opinion on Pantone 17-5641. He had some very insightful comments, not just discussing using green elements, but really explaining what this color as a fashion trend is going to look like.

Here are some words of advice from J:

It's about using the COLOR of the year to our "FLOWER'S" Advantage... and this year's Pantone Color provides a PICTURE PERFECT Background... for so many flowers... it's not limited to Flowers that may grow in its specific tint, tone or shade...

The whole Flower World looks FABULOUS With Green... "Emerald" Envy... I dare say.

With Juxtaposition... I think Emerald - Pantone's Color of the Year for 2013... is a dramatic background color that allows us the opportunities BEYOND "Matching the color"... (Although Amazing Textural Products like Bells of Ireland, Green Ball Dianthus, or Corgy White Brassica... will indeed allow us to address the color of the year with TEXTURE too!!!)

2013's "Emerald" provides the perfect "Backdrop" ... to showcase our Creativity and the Diverse Colors of our Flower Palette. What will you do with Pantone's Color of the Year??? Your Creativity is the only Limitation!"

J continued on with some fun examples of how he might interpret emerald: LOVE THESE IDEAS!

Imagine the Complimentary "Explosion" of featuring Acapulco Lilies... on an Emerald Green Bridesmaid Dress...or a Christmas Departure... using ILEX Branches in a Clear Vase atop an "EMERALD" Christmas Table Cloth...

Experience the Friendly "Laughter" caused by an exquisite fragrant bouquet of Sun Rise Freesia and Aventura Gerbera placed on a dining or cocktail table... set with Glistening "EMERALD" glassware or Napkins...

Visit a Magical "Mineral Color Based" Flower Spa... as you soak in the Cool Colors of Kuhnert Blue Hydrangea, Delphinium, and Atlantic Hyacinth... against an "Emerald" Background of a sofa or throw pillows positioned in an ocean side cabana...

Thank you for sharing J, I hope you invite me next time you head to the “Flower Spa”…I wanna go!

Flower Talk with lily

Aug 28, 2012

The Scoop on Antiqued Hydrangeas

“A dead hydrangea is as intricate and lovely as one in bloom. Bleak sky is as seductive as sunshine, miniature orange trees without blossom or fruit are not defective; they are that.”
                                                                                                           -Toni Morrison

While visiting my grandmother in Fair Lawn, New Jersey as a young boy, I never quite appreciated her Antiqued Hydrangeas. “Pompa” as we called her was an amazing gardener. On the shady side of her house, away from her rose and tulip beds, were a couple big hydrangeas. One was the classic white and the other had blossoms that varied from blue to pink and purple. Perhaps she was putting aluminum sulphate in the soil to influence the colors? More than likely, since though you couldn’t tell from outward appearances, Pompa was very much interested in the science of gardening.

We would usually visit her in mid-July on a typical summer vacation road trip, our whole family packed in the car for the drive down from Rhode Island. She would have great big cut hydrangea arrangements on her upright piano, and on her fireplace mantel. Usually the stems were placed in a thick chunky cut glass vase. The white and blue contrast really brightened up her modest living room.

Our family would usually return to share Thanksgiving with Pompa, since my grandfather, Rudolph, had passed away years before. I recall walking into her living room thinking, “Jeez, Pompa hasn’t changed the flowers since last time we were here.” As a child, I must have totally missed the fact that these, weren’t the same blooms, they were one of the most desired flowers in the industry, the Antiqued Hydrangea.

Two Antiques, our Hydrangeas and Pompa's copy of "Garden Flowers in Color" which she purchased in 1951.

Antiquing is the process where a blossom loses it's bold summer color and fades into a mellow rainbow of different tones, shades and hues. No two antiques are the same, each waning in its own special way. At this point most flowers wilt and die, hydrangeas miraculously keep their form and shape, and reinvent themselves for another season.

How does one “antique” a hydrangea? Does this take some special treatment or training? The simple truth is that an antiqued hydrangea blossom is left on the branch and naturally reaches this unique look, nothing but Mother Nature at work here. That said, there are some conditions at our farm in Arcata, California that make for exceptional hydrangeas, which in turn leads to exceptional antiques.

Look at the different colors on just one bush.

In late August, the days get shorter, and the air gets a little drier and chillier here on the Pacific coast. These atmospheric changes precipitate the change in the plant. You will find that hydrangeas grown closer to the equator don’t antique with the same impressive results as ours do, since their day light and weather patterns stay very constant.

Sun Valley can say without exaggeration that we grow some of the largest hydrangea on the market; this is due to our Hydrangea team's expert pruning. There is a very specific time and place to prune a hydrangea so that they grow the XXL blooms that we produce. If I told you the secret, I’d have to kill you, sorry nothing personal.

Our hydrangeas are in demand, and luckily we are ready. J Schwanke, The Flower Expert and Host of Fun with Flowers and J on, just checked in to get some of our antiques for an upcoming ABC TV series which he will be doing based on the theme of “Color”. I asked J, “Why Sun Valley?”

He replied in with his usual contagious enthusiasm, "Sun Valley is 'KNOCKING it out of the Park' with those CA Grown Hydrangeas... they look Wonderful... and the Colors are Out of this World!!! I can't wait to get my hands on them..."

Look for J to be featuring our antiques, and don’t be shy, get some for yourself. Once these antiques have reached this stage, they will dry and be beautiful for months to come. Often people pick hydrangea at their peak of color and try to use these for dry arrangements, without success. However, once the flower head has gotten well into antiquing, it should dry easily, and last a long time.

Another interesting fact about hydrangeas is that the colorful petals really aren't the fertile flowers of the plant.  In the center of the petals you will see a small ball, this is actually the fertile flower.

Hydrangeas are a pretty amazing plant, their blooms are loved by designers, gardeners and flower experts.  However, the hydrangea is really a plant for everybody, not just florist and flower professionals.  Anyone who has ever walked by a tall flower laden bush on a warm summer evening, with the rich scent of the blooms drifting on the breeze, knows this perennial favorite.  In many parts of the country, the hydrangea blooming signals that summer is in full swing.  As the blooms antique, it signals that Labor Day nears, days will be getting shorter and we all better take advantage of those last few weeks of summer.

Get out there!


Jul 11, 2011

Guest post from uBloom's JMH Schwanke!

J Schwanke visits our Sun Valley Arcata farm!

In light of our Arcata uBloom video release (coming today!), I asked my friend JMH Schwanke to do a guest post on our blog to tell us about his trip out here and whatever else his heart desired! Here is what he had to say:

My Friend Lily SunValley and I were chatting the other day... and Lily asked if I would like to be a guest blogger for Sun Valley! It was perfect timing... as our uBloom Team was readying themselves for the Sun Valley Arcata Premiere on the CA Grown Experience!
This was the JTV Crew's Second Visit to a Sun Valley Location... (we visited Sun Valley Oxnard Last September to see where Lily was born and also the Matsumoto flower fields and the Largest Cooler I have ever seen in my Life! Check it out on the CA Grown Experience visits Sun Valley Oxnard on let me tell you... Oxnard and Arcata are Two Different Worlds!
This April we kicked off our Second Visit to the CA Flower Farmers with a Stop in Arcata CA at The Sun Valley Group! I can only begin to tell you how fascinating this trip was... and what an honor to be on a guided tour with Lane DeVries... CA Flower Farmer and owner of Sun Valley!
As a Flower Designer... I've always enjoyed creating with Sun Valley Flowers... they are simply... The Finest Quality Flowers and they NEVER Ever Disappoint... the Colors, the Varieties, the Long Lasting Performance... the List goes on and on!
But this was a different take for me... Our Visit focused on the Growing Process! The steps that Sun Valley takes to make typical seasonal flowers available everyday... Tulips 24/7!

It's pretty remarkable when you get to walk with a farmer through his fields as he shares his unique perspective and passion.... one on one! I liken it to "Singing with Tony Bennett" , "Dancing with Ginger Rogers" or "Painting with Monet"... you're side by side with the "expert"... those opportunities don't come around too often... and I was enthralled!

J and Lane talking flowers

I'll Admit it... I'm a HUGE Lane DeVries Fan! (A "groupie" if you will...) Lane amazes me... his Passion for Flowers is infectious... his Dedication...Limitless, and he's Compelling! I listened to every word... every second... knowing full well that his goal.. (and the goal of Sun Valley) is "Never be satisfied"! The message is clear... For Lane... it's all about the FLOWERS!

This "municipality"... Yes Sun Valley Group is just like it's own flower village... Street Signs, Transportation (in the Dutch tradition... bikes stand by to get quickly from one spot to another)... and topography...( The "Mountain" of Compost Rich Soil...)...the locations... 70+ Coolers (and heaters... Did you know that IRIS Bulbs are held dormant HEAT rather than cold temperatures? Surpise!)... The "residents" are Harvesting, Processing and Packaging... is like a finely tuned orchestra... each team member delivering their specific talent in unison to create the Sun Valley Flower "Symphony"! This is one well-oiled machine!

Crossroads at Sun Valley Arcata farm

It starts with Tons of Dirt (that Very Special "Humboldt Gold")... Millions of bulbs... Cooler after cooler... dedicated to scientifically delivering Soil Grown Tulips year round... for Flower Lovers Everywhere! It's staggers the Mind... and electrifies the senses! Degree by degree... breath by breath... drop by drop...Sun Valley coaxes and cares for each and every flower... from Bulb to Bloom!

Tulip bulbs ready for planting

Tulips just sprouting up

Parrot Tulips ready to go to their new home

It's an adventure... the Sun Valley Adventure... working with Nature to provide (year round) those fleeting Spring Flowers... Tulips, Hyacinth Iris... Ohhh BTW... The IRIS... Recently I attended the International Floral Expo in Miami and Sun Valley was there with Carts of IRIS... (and Loads of LILIES)... sharing their Passion for Flowers in True Sun Valley Style! Remember I told you... It's ALL about the Flowers!!

Carts full of Telstar Iris

Sumatra Lilies at IFE - Wow!

And that being said... it's Easy to see... Sun Valley is still a Flower Farm... Man working with Nature... side by side... with respect and admiration! Bulbs are planted... roots are established... leaves appear and flowers bloom... day in day out... Planting, Growing, and Harvesting... the process is never ending... and Thank Goodness because the Flower Keep Coming... thanks to our Local Flower Farmers!

Rows of Tulips in one of the Greenhouses

Lane among the tulips

The opportunity I've been afforded creating the CA Grown Experience has been Life Changing... I realize I look at Flower Differently NOW... (and I'm a 4th Generation Florist... Designer, Store Owner, TV Host, Flower Expert... ) but it took this experience of Traveling from CA Flower Farm to CA Flower Farm... meeting the Farmers to realize that it's not merely a bucket of Tulips...NOW It's a Bucket of Lane's Tulips... (or a Bucket of Chad's Roses... or Mel's Protea)... because it's Personal! I Know First Hand "Where my Flowers come from!"... and that is very VERY Special!

We look to Our Flowers for their Beauty, their fragrance... and even their Healing properties... because of the CA Grown Experience... Now I look a little further... to the Flower Farmer... who had the vision to plant the Flowers I love so very much!
Thanks Lane... for being my Flower Farmer... and my Friend! I love Flowers... I love Tulips and I Love Sun Valley! Thanks for the Memories!!!

J, Lane & the uBloom Crew

Take Care Lily!!! Thanks for asking me Guest Blog... and Did I mention you look particularly AWESOME in that Color??! and That you Smell especially Wonderful Today?



Everything Flowers at!

Gosh J, thanks for the flattering words! More importantly, thanks for your support of our farms and the floral industry as a whole. So excited for the Sun Valley Arcata video and videos to come!