Showing posts with label Hunger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hunger. Show all posts

Dec 8, 2016

Dairy and Asian Nutrition

Dairy and Asian Nutrition

What hunger and nutrition looks like is changing in Asia. The article linked below takes a look at hunger and nutrition trends and issues in Asia. We encourage you to read the linked article and have conversations with others around the globe utilizing the discussion points provided.

Dairy Potential Ally in Asian Nutrition

Discussion Points

What has been the trend in regards to hunger in Asia

Oct 15, 2016

Borlaug Dialogue Closes: Take Action

Borlaug Dialogue Closes: Take Action

Today was the third and final day of the World Food Prize and Borlaug Dialogue for us. It was a great three days of learning and we are excited to tackle the challenge of feeding approximately 10 million people by 2050. Once again we have highlights from sessions from day three below. Utilize the points below to keep the conversations going and from there take action to feed our growing world.

Oct 14, 2016

Inspiring Day Two at The World Food Prize

Inspiring Day Two at The World Food Prize

It was a great second and full day at The World Food Prize in Des Moines, Iowa. As yesterday, we will highlight key points from various sessions and presentations throughout the day. We encourage you to reflect on the points below and entertain discussion with others around the globe!

Borlaug-Rockefeller: Inspiring the Next Generation

Instead of buying machinery we need an Uber for farm

Sep 29, 2016

Why the food waste?

Why the food waste?

There are many challenges facing us as we work to feed over 9 billion people by 2050. While we must increase production to meet this demand in the future, many will note, that currently we are producing enough food to feed our population as is. There are several factors that are keeping us from feeding our current population including costs, infrastructure. and much more. One of the challenges we

Oct 17, 2015

Borlaug Dialogue Day 3: Let's Get to Work

Borlaug Dialogue Day 3: Let's Get to Work

Today was the third and final day of the Borlaug Dialogue. There was plenty to think about and we were definitely left with a charge to get out and take action. Enough talk, it is time to take action and make a difference. Every little bit helps. As the previous days, below you will find a recap of our final day in Des Moines to keep the dialogue going.

Breakfast Keynote Address: Mehmood Khan

Oct 16, 2015

Borlaug Dialogue Day Two: Big Data to Aquaculture

Borlaug Dialogue Day Two: Big Data to Aquaculture

There was such great information shared during the second day of the Borlaug Dialogue! Many topics were covered from big data to aquaculture. As yesterday, I will post highlights from the various panels and presentations. Strike up a conservation with others and see what can be done to fight hunger around the world.

Precision Ag and Big Data: Technologies for Resilience: Ruben Echeverria,

Oct 15, 2015

Borlaug Dialogue Kicks Off!

Borlaug Dialogue Kicks Off!

Today was a spectacular day as the Borlaug Dialogue kicked off in Des Moines, Iowa as part of the World Food Prize. The afternoon was filled with key issues facing Global Hunger and Agriculture. I will share key points from the various sessions. Our goal is that you will discuss these points and have the conversations grow from Des Moines to around the globe.

Kenneth Quinn kicked off the