Showing posts with label Harvest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Harvest. Show all posts

Sep 12, 2016

Folding Corn Head

Drago demonstrated the 12 row folding corn head at this year's Farm Progress Show.  The advantage is being able to drive down the road without loading the head on a cart.  John Deere has an 8 row folding header available.

Sep 1, 2015

Harvest is Really Started

I took advantage of the need to go to Springfield today and did a mini crop tour.  I was surprised to see soybeans turning yellow and dropping leaves.  Not all of them of course.  I also passed many fields that have mature corn.  Near Springfield, a few fields are harvested.

On the way home, I headed down the Black Diamond Trail and near Raymond, I saw Combines in the field.  The field in the third picture down has 3 combines in it.  They were almost done with that field.  The last picture is nearby, but a different field and a different farmer.

I will be spending Tuesday at the Farm Progress Show near Decatur.  It is the greatest spectacle in agriculture.

Yellow Soybeans

Mature Corn

Harvest near Raymond

Harvest near Raymond

Dec 4, 2014

Macoupin County Today

Macoupin County Today

I took the backroads to my Macoupin County Client today. There was more corn to harvest than expected.  I saw five combines in the field.  On a more exciting note I spotted and eagle's nest along Macoupin Creek with a Bald Eagle nearby.  I tried for a picture, but my phone camera failed me. 

Oct 14, 2014

Rain Dampened Harvest

Rain Dampened Harvest

Our harvest is getting to be very rain dampened.  Last week, I sampled on Sunday and Wednesday.  Wet weather is slowing me down because fields are not harvested.  I know my problem is small compared to farmers who are not getting their harvest done.  It seems a shame that we are going to lose some of our best yields ever because of wetness.  I am making no prediction on the extent of the loss. 

Sep 25, 2014

First Day of Fall Sampling

First Day of Fall Sampling

Today was my first day of fall sampling.  The weather was great.  The poorly drained parts of the field were wet. I heard ruors of corn yields as high as 265 bpa and soybeans as high as 100 bpa.  It seemed there were more people harvesting today than yesterday.