Showing posts with label Harvest Progress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Harvest Progress. Show all posts

Oct 7, 2015

Corn Harvest May Be Wrapping Up

Corn Harvest seems to be about 80% done, however, soybean harvest is likely to take a while.  All the photos were from today.  You can see that soybeans range from very green to ready to harvest.

Sep 18, 2015

Sampling Near Greenfield

Sampling Near Greenfield

Harvest was going strong near Greenfield.  Both Corn and Soybeans are being harvested.  Yield are some better than a disaster, but far off of last year.

Nov 30, 2014

Harvest Dragging On

I worked southeast of Morrisonville today. I am still seeing scattered fields of both corn and soybeans.  The field below is in northern Montgomery County.  I sampled about 70 acres today and the ground was very wet.  The land I was sampling was not tilled yet, so I was able to get across it even with some water on the surface.  It was definitely a good thing that the combine below was parked. 

Nov 10, 2014

Still Harvesting

The Photograph below take in Northern Montgomery County shows both and corn and soybeans remaining to be harvested.  Soils are very wet in that part of the county. 

Oct 27, 2014

Harvest Progress

Harvest Progress

Harvest went well last week.  My estimate is that corn and soybeans are at 60%.  There are places where the view is no longer blocked by corn.  Soybeans are very dry at this point, so many people are concentrating on soybeans.  wheat hs also been sowed.  There is more rain on the way tomorrow night.

Oct 18, 2014

Combines moving

I saw a combine in the field today on my way home from Springfield.  Dust was flying, but I am sure the ground is very wet. The one below has been parked for about 10 days.

Sep 26, 2014

Corn Harvest in Greene County

I spotted the scene below on my way to Whitehall this morning.  This is just  a bit of the harvest crew for one of the largest farmers in Illinois.  They were emptying one combine into a truck.  There were 7 or 8 auger wagons and three combines.  I think they had already moved to a new field.  There were about 10 pickup trucks in the field too.  Click to enlarge. Harvest progress is visible each day now.  I saw one person harvesting soybeans.  The rest are doing corn.  
Near Palmyra

Near Carrollton

Sunrise at Raymond