Showing posts with label GMO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GMO. Show all posts

Apr 13, 2017

Pollen Spread: GM and non-GM Crops

Pollen Spread: GM and non-GM Crops

Before we have highlighted pieces on GMO vs. non-GMO products and practices. This week we look at how the two can work together and what is needed for separation to protect against pollen spread. We encourage you to look at the linked study from a scientist in Canada and utilize the discussion points to guide conversations around the globe!

New Tool Helps Estimate GM Pollen Spread


Mar 31, 2017

Kenya on the GMO Brink

Kenya on the GMO Brink

GMO's have always been controversial around the globe. The controversy in Kenya is as strong as ever. The linked article below from AgWeb highlights the "Global Farmer Network" blog and features a piece by a farmer from Kenya. We encourage you to read over the linked article and utilize the discussion points below to guide conversations around the globe.

Is it Time for Kenya to Move Off the

Nov 10, 2016

GMO's, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, and Economics

GMO's, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, and Economics

GMO's (genetically modified organisms) are always a hot topic issue around the world. Recently Purdue University conducted research on GMO's globally. They focused on two separate scenarios revolving around GMO crop production. This article takes a look at how changes in GMO crop production could change the way we live in different parts of the world. I encourage you to read the linked article

Aug 26, 2016

China and Rooftop Agriculture

China and Rooftop Agriculture

About a month ago I came across an interesting article that I wanted to share. The article linked below describes a rooftop farm in China. Along with the article two videos are shared. The first video gives you an up close look at the rooftop garden that is featured in China. The second video discusses agriculture practices and policy in China. I encourage you to read the article and watch the

Jan 28, 2016

GM Cotton Production in India

GM Cotton Production in India

This week we take a look at an interview with Ganesh Nanote, a farmer from India. Ganesh explains production practices, trends, reasoning, and challenges facing agriculture in India, specifically around cotton production. I encourage you to read the interview conducted by Aneela Mirchandani and reflect with others using the discussion points below.

Profile of an Indian Farmer

Discussion Points

Nov 20, 2015

China Company Interested in Syngenta and Others

China Company Interested in Syngenta and Others

We take a look at an article discussing the interest of ChemChina to purchase Swiss based Syngenta. China for years has been trying to get it's hand on GMO (genetically modified organisms) seeds. They have gone to great lengths to do so. They may be closer than ever now to doing so with the possible purchase of Syngenta and other seed companies. Read the linked article and use the discussion