Showing posts with label Forest and Mountain Soil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Forest and Mountain Soil. Show all posts

Apr 15, 2015

Major Types of Soil Found in India

Alluvial Soil:
These soils are seen near river side and have been deposited during flood.  Very productive soils but deficient in Nitrogen and Phosphorous

Red Soil:
These soils are light textured with porous and friable structure and there is absence of free carbonates.   Neutral to acidic reaction and are deficient in Nitrogen, Phosphoric acid and lime

Black Soil:
These are popularly known as “Black Cotton Soils” because of their dark brown colour and form deep cracks during dry season.  These soils are rich in Calcium, Potash and Magnesium but deficient in Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Organic Matter.

Laterite Soil:
These soils are reddish yellow in colour and formed in situation under high rainfall with alternation dry and wet periods.  Low in Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Lime, Magnesia and Potassium

Arid Soil:
These are mostly sandy soil that occur in low rainfall area and have high pH Value.  Very productive and subject to wind erosion

Forest and Mountains:
These soils are found in rainfall sufficient area to support trees, very shallow, stony, steep and infertile for the field crops. 

S. No
Soil Type
Alluvial Soil
Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, West Bengal
Red and Yellow Soil
Telegana, Chattisgarh, Jharkand, Orissa, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, Arunachala Pradesh, Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Meghalaya
Black Soil
Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat
Laterite Soil
Goa, Karikal
Arid Soil
Forest & Mountains
Uttarakhand, Arunachala Pradesh,  Sikkim, Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh