Showing posts with label Food Safety. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Food Safety. Show all posts

Oct 14, 2016

Inspiring Day Two at The World Food Prize

Inspiring Day Two at The World Food Prize

It was a great second and full day at The World Food Prize in Des Moines, Iowa. As yesterday, we will highlight key points from various sessions and presentations throughout the day. We encourage you to reflect on the points below and entertain discussion with others around the globe!

Borlaug-Rockefeller: Inspiring the Next Generation

Instead of buying machinery we need an Uber for farm

Mar 8, 2016

GMO Labeling

GMO Labeling

I was listening to the debate on GMO labeling today, and decided to share my thoughts. It looks like there is a lot of interest in seeing a uniform, nationwide labeling law.  Past commodity groups and farm groups seem to be in favor a some law.  Others are still opposed.  A voluntary labeling bill is being considered.  I am not sure what that accomplishes.

I would argue that we already have non-GMO labeling in the "organic" label.

You can pretty much figure if the food contains any of the 9 GMO crops grown in the US,  Alfalfa, Canola, Corn (field and sweet),  Cotton, Papaya, Potatoes, Soybeans, Squash, and Sugar Beets then you are likely eating GMO foods.   I would argue that no label is necessary.  There is no know health risk to eating GMO foods and we have been eating them for over 20 years.

So back to voluntary labeling. I cannot imagine that GMO labeling would help sell any product that is labeled.  If it was voluntary, I don't think my food company would use it.  If you make labeling mandatory, that you at least level the playing field.  So while I don't see the need for GMO labeling, if we must have it, it should be mandatory. The down side of leaving it to the states that a hodge podge of laws would be a mess.

Sep 4, 2015

The China/United States Food Connection

The China/United States Food Connection

Food safety has been a concern in the United States for years and these same issues are rising to the top in China as well. The article linked below takes a look at a group that got together recently to examine and discuss the relationship and possibilities shared between China and the United States as it relates to agriculture trade and food safety. After looking over the attached article use

Oct 20, 2014

Should Consumers be able to Buy Raw Milk?

Should Consumers be able to Buy Raw Milk?

The Sunday Post-Dispatch wrote and article entitled "Raw Milk Debate Heating Up".  Dairy is not my expertise, but it is about agriculture.  The story goes into some of politics of the debate.  Regulators would like to regulate, but producers and consumers say that regulations would make the sale of raw milk by small producers nearly impossible.  When it comes to food, my opinion in general is that people should be able use any food product they want whether 64 ounce cola's or raw milk, or a lot of things in between.  The health benefits of raw milk may outweigh the risk of illness.  People who have an opinion will need to be active with their state representatives to preserve the right to buy raw milk.