Showing posts with label Dear Friend and Gardener. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dear Friend and Gardener. Show all posts

Sep 9, 2014

Dear Friend and Gardener: Late Veg Garden Update

Dear Friend and Gardener: Late Veg Garden Update

Aster 'Alma Potschke', which has nothing to do with the veg garden

Dear Dee and Mary Ann,

I have been quite lax in providing updates for the Dear Friend and Gardening virtual garden club.

Let me catch you up on the vegetable garden.

I spent the better part of yesterday morning cleaning up weeds in the garden.  I pulled out nutsedge and foxtail and grubbed out prostrate spurge and purslane.

Jul 29, 2014

A Postcard From My Veg Garden

A Postcard From My Veg Garden

Dear Dee and Mary Ann,

A postcard from my little veg garden. I'm picking lots from the garden right now as you can see from the picture of Saturday's pickin's. Everything is doing well except the peppers.  It's been cool these last few days, so we'll see what that does to the garden.  I'm not sure when I'll have time for a longer letter, but I will make time because I want to share with you

Jul 3, 2014

Dear Friend and Gardener:  First Tomato

Dear Friend and Gardener: First Tomato

Dear Dee and Mary Ann,

Greetings from my garden where I just picked and ate my first tomato of the season. I decided this event was a good reason to post for Dear Friend and Gardener, Dee's virtual garden club for those of us who grow our own vegetables.

I also decided the first tomato of the season was a good reason to recreate one of my classic tomato pictures, which I posted way back in

Jun 2, 2014

Dear Friend and Gardener - Time is Marching Out of the Garden

Dear Friend and Gardener - Time is Marching Out of the Garden

Pink passalong roses from my Aunt Marjorie

Dear Dee and Mary Ann,

Don't you wish you could close the garden gate and keep Time from marching on through it?

What happened to May?  It's June, already, as we say every year at this time, and time for another Dear Friend and Gardener update on the vegetable garden. 

I always think of June as the month for roses, and just down a bit from my

May 19, 2014

Dear Friend and Gardener - A Postcard

Dear Friend and Gardener - A Postcard

Veg Garden May 18, 2014, Early Morning

Dear Dee and Mary Ann,

I haven't written for a while for our Dear Friend and Gardener series. In fact, I haven't written a "Dear Friend and Gardener" update since it snowed on April 16th.

Life is busy in the garden in May, so I just have time for a quick postcard update.

First of all, there were no lasting impacts from the snow in mid-April - I

Apr 17, 2014

Dear Friend and Gardener: Snow in Spring

Dear Friend and Gardener: Snow in Spring

Snow on the garden on April 15th

Dear Dee and Mary Ann,

It's been a few weeks since my last update for Dear Friend and Gardener, but in those few weeks there wasn't much to report.

However, the occasion of snow on April 15th seems like a reason to write and provide an update on my veg garden and share a few pictures. 

Whenever it snows when it shouldn't snow, I'm reminded of the passage

Apr 2, 2014

Dear Friend and Gardener: Early Spring Update

Dear Friend and Gardener: Early Spring Update

Dear Dee and Mary Ann,

Greetings from my garden!

I've just come inside after spending a couple of hours this evening in the garden.  Rather than being tired from it all, like I thought I would be, I'm all pepped up and excited about this new growing season.

Or I could be all pepped up because I drank two large iced green teas today...

Either way, I'm off to a good start in the veg garden