Showing posts with label Crop progress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crop progress. Show all posts

May 1, 2015

The News from West Alton

The News from West Alton

We have been working Daily in the West Alton Area.  Land is located on the finger that has the Mississippi River on one side and the Missouri River on the other side.  The bottomland soils are highly variable.  Most of the corn to be planted will be done by the end of the week. There is still land untilled that will be planted to soybeans.  Some of the earliest corn planted April 2 was replanted yesterday.  Other corn is just emerging.  What we have samp;ed is looking good.

Apr 24, 2015

First Trip to West Alton

First Trip to West Alton

We made our first trip West Alton today. There is lot of corn planted there and the soil is in decent condition.  As always, there is a lot of farming around wet holes.  We had frost last night.

There was a lot of field actvity of every kind you can think of.

Dec 4, 2014

Macoupin County Today

Macoupin County Today

I took the backroads to my Macoupin County Client today. There was more corn to harvest than expected.  I saw five combines in the field.  On a more exciting note I spotted and eagle's nest along Macoupin Creek with a Bald Eagle nearby.  I tried for a picture, but my phone camera failed me. 

Nov 21, 2014



I worked in Freeburg area today. I did not see any crops not harvested in that area.  We sampled some wheat that was no-tilled. It is not very far along, but looked like it could survive the winter. Some tillage work is still underway, but there is not a lot of fall tillage done. 

Oct 21, 2014

Comments Illinois Weather and Crop Report

Comments Illinois Weather and Crop Report

Illinois Weather and Crop report shows 43% of corn harvested and 37% of soybeans harvested.  In our area, WSW, 54% of corn harvested and 34% of soybeans harvest.  We were in Christian, Fayette, and Montgomery County today.  The 54% and 34% seem to fit. There were lots of combines in the field today and they started early.  We had very little dew today.  At this point people are switching to soybeans.  We did see one wheat field that was emerged, but most who want to plant wheat will be trying to get that done this week along with  lots of harvesting.