Showing posts with label Corn planting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Corn planting. Show all posts

Apr 20, 2017

Corn Planting Progress

Corn Planting Progress

I have been working in The River Bottoms in St. Charles County Mo. the past week.  Corn planting has gone fast, even with showers over the weekend.  One client is finishing today and several have one or two days left to plant.  Rain in the forecast may slow things down again, but planting progress is excellent.  

Feb 28, 2017

When to Plant Corn

When to Plant Corn

Sorry I have been away.  Influenza A is the culprit.

Warm and dry weather has many farmers anxious to plant.  In some ways conditions seem similar to 2012, although in 2012, the drought began in 2011.

In general, early planting is one way to combat drought.  Get the corn pollinated before weather gets extreme.  In my opinion, April 1 is considered early in Central Illinois.  If soil conditions are favorable, starting planting the last week of March is pushing the envelope, but may be OK depending on the 15 day forecast.

In 2012, I know there was corn planted as early as March 9.  The yields on that corn was disappointing.  I think the problem was frost in mid-April.  Frost in in mid-April is not uncommon.  My meteorologist tells me that was dry  weather does not reduce the chances of a mid-April frost, so in deciding when to plant you need to consider the potential for frost.  Modern corn hybrids seem to be much more tolerant of cold conditions and even frost, but when the frost gets to the growing point, it can do damage  even if it does not kill the plant.  The growing point seems to move above ground as the corn grows from V3 to V4 according to Dr. Nielsen's Illustrations.

Warm and dry weather will speed up germination and emergence, so that could be a factor in determining ideal planting date.

Another factor to consider is fluffy soil syndrome.  The syndrome is discussed in the latest Journ of Soil and Water Conservation.  Fluffy soil syndrome will cause uneven emergence which can reduce yields.  Tilling shallow or not at all can help avoid the issue.  Tilling deeper in dry weather creates pockets of variable moisture that can cause uneven stands.

Feb 2, 2017

Seed Emmergence

Seed Emmergence

Yesterday we attended a program put on by Linco-Precision.  They put together one of the top one day meetings I have been to.  One of the presentations was on seed emergence in corn.  They presented data that suggests that the closer together in time that corn plants emerge for the soil, the better the yields.  The research numbers were more than significant. One of the biggest factors controlling emergence was the evenness of soil moisture.  They did not arrive at the same conclusion that I did, but they do tell you  how to achieve results.  It looks to me like you would be most likely to encounter even moisture conditions under No-Till or stale seedbed.  Prairie Farmer entitled their article, No Ear Left Behind.

Apr 25, 2016

Corn Planting

With all the machinery below sitting idle today, I got the idea that corn planting was done in Farmersville area.  Later in the day, i did see planters in the field.  I would estimate 75% planted in that area.

Apr 19, 2016

Lots of Corn Planted

Lots of Corn Planted

Thursday, we were in Logan County and corn planting was just getting started.  Today there was lots of corn planted between Hillsboro and Middletown.  It seemed every planter available was in the field today.  There was also lots of spraying and tillage work being done.  I would estimate 30 to 40 percent planted.

Apr 11, 2016

Road Trip To Pella Iowa

We made  a trip to see family in Pella Iowa this weekend.  We saw a number of planted fields in Illinois, and some in Missouri.  In Iowa, very little ground was even prepared for planting.  When things dry out this week, I expect to see a good bit of corn planted in our area.
Near Agency Iowa.  

Apr 5, 2016

Corn Planting Underway

Corn Planting Underway

I worked in West Alton area today.  There was a good bit of corn planted between Hamel and Bethalto.  Several planters were in the field in St. Charles County.  Other activities were Anhydrous application and spraying.