Showing posts with label Brazilian Agriculture.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brazilian Agriculture.. Show all posts

Jun 28, 2016

Corn Production in Brazil

By Eduardo Paim:

Here in Mato Grosso (North) producers start harvesting the second crop corn (off-season is called in Brazil). In the picture we can see the harvested corn in the town of Canarana, MT (Northeastern State MT). We are still at the beginning of the harvest and the early planted corn are with good production, the problem should happen in planting later that lacked rains at the end. Producers who are speaking harvesting between 100 and 110 bags per hectare in corn that received good rainfall. It is still early to say what will be the production reduction in Mato Grosso, but I estimate between 15% and 20% reduction. Some regions have not had good rains as in Canarana (MT Northeast, North and East North had little rain or no rain). In the south of Mato Grosso has not started the off-season corn crops, but we had good rains here and should have a normal production between 85 and 95 bags per hectare on average.

In the state of Goiás production reduction by lack of rain is estimated at 50% in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul is expected to decrease by 20% and in the state of Bahia to redu

In the state of Paraná, south of Brazil there is talk of 15% of corn production reduction and the reduction was caused by drought and frost.