Showing posts with label #harvest16. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #harvest16. Show all posts

Oct 6, 2016

Harvest Continues

Harvest Continues

After something of a damp weekend, there was rain in the forecast once again today.  We were lucky to have only sprinkles.  It looked like more on radar, but rain was not hitting the ground.  People were harvesting both corn and soybeans.  Beans had some green stems, but grain is dry.

Sep 24, 2016

Soybean Harvest

I went to Pike County to do a septic evaluation.  On my way home I had to stop in Springfield.  The photo below is south of Springfield with the city clearly in the background.  Several fields of soybeans were harvested or being harvested yesterday.
Soybean Harvest.

Sep 21, 2016

I-55 Road Trip

I had business in Bloomington today.  Corn Harvest was off to a good start between Raymond and Springfield.  North of Springfield, we did not see many fields harvested.  On the way home, harvest seemed to be starting North of Springfield as well.  The combine below is slightly south of Pawnee.

Sep 14, 2016

Harvest Progress

Harvest Progress

I went to West Alton yesterday to deliver some Variable Rate prescriptions.  Also went to Fairview Heights on Sunday.  Corn harvest is started, but most people are still waiting for nature to do the drying.  The weekend rain also slowed things down.  I could see standing water in some of the fields that were already harvested.

Aug 25, 2016

Montgomery County Yield Survey Results

Montgomery County Yield Survey Results

The Montgomery County Yield Survey is complete for 2016.  The survey is usually pretty close on countywide yields.  Two points are surveyed per township.  Township results my show a trend, but they are not all that accurate.  Check it out.  I think that many will be surprised at how low some of them are, but a dry June reduced yields in some fields and on some varieties.  190 bushel corn is not bad.  I think some were expecting more.