Showing posts with label #Smell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Smell. Show all posts

Aug 9, 2016

Aromatherapy and Oriental Lilies

Have you ever noticed your bouquet of Stargazers or White Casablanca lilies smelling more sweetly in the evening as you relax? That's because of a fragrant compound called linalool--most lilies emit linalool, and often more intensely in the evening.  This little fragrant compound is extra-special because it is one big way we can decrease stress and increase feel-good feelings.
Stargazer Lily linalool aromatherapy
The Aromatic Oriental Lily

Our sense of smell can trigger neurological and chemical responses in the body; a single scent can make us feel calm, help us tackle a stressful task, or energize a lethargic day. And this kind of aromatherapy isn't just a placebo effect--there is scientific evidence to back it up and show how the fragrance of flowers can have a positive effect on moods.

Casablanca Lily White Oriental aromatherapy
Oriental Lily

Enter linalool. A 2009 study published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry shows that the floral-scented compound, linalool, has a positive effect on stress-related changes in the body.  In the study, the inhalation of linalool not only reduced chemical changes to stressed-out immune cells in the bloodstream, it also calmed more than 100 genes which tend to go into action during stressful situations  

Dynamite Oriental Lily
Now, let's talk flowers.  Another study published by the American Society for Horticultural Science showed that lilies, especially the aromatic Oriental Lilies and OT Hybrids, emit large amounts of linalool.  In fact, linalool is one of the lily's major scent components. This isn't so odd, considering that researchers say the inhalation of fragrance from certain flowers is a practice that has been used to reduce stress, fight depression, and induce sleep for centuries. Apparently people have been using flowers to feel better for a long, long time.

It gets better...not only do lilies aromatically soothe, they also come added benefit of being visually pleasing.  And, according to a study conducted by Harvard Medical School, this adds to their overall positive effect on our well-being. The study found that the simple presence of flowers in the home could affect a wide variety of emotions— such as less anxiety and depression, enhanced relaxation and energy, and compassion at work. Lead psychologist Dr. Nancy Etcoff states, "We didn’t know that spending a few days with flowers in the home can affect a wide variety of feelings."

Sonata OT Hybrid Lily

I've always loved the look and smell of Oriental lilies, and even more so now that I've learned about their aromatherapeutic benefits.  Yet another great reason to buy myself flowers--what a beautiful way to calm down and feel better!  Next time you or a friend is feeling stressed out, try a big bouquet of Oriental Lilies--sit down, relax, and smell the flowers. 

Starfighter Lilies

Lady Aster talks Aromatherapy


Jan 14, 2015

A Lily Scent Guide by Lady Aster

Welcome our newest flower connoisseur, Lady Aster, we will be sharing her view of the farm on occasion. Enjoy.

“Smell is a potent wizard that transports you across thousands of miles and all the years you have lived.”
               -Helen Keller

The body is a wonderful mechanism.  Our sense of smell, perceived in our olfactory bulb, is part of the brain’s limbic system—an area so tied with memory and feeling that it has been nicknamed our “emotional brain.”  A single smell can call up long-forgotten memories and powerful emotional responses in an instant.  Pretty great stuff, if you like what you smell.  Everyone is different and some people do well with strong scents, while others’ olfaction may be easily overwhelmed. 
So what about Sun Valley’s Oriental Lilies? Do these inspire good feelings or aromatically overwhelm?  The answer can be both—while our aromatic lilies may smell amazing to some, others with allergies or sensitive noses may find their scent overpowering.   Luckily for them, not all lilies smell.  It’s true; some lilies boast a fragrance that will fill a room, but other varieties have little to no scent at all.  If you are one who has an aversion to strong-smelling flowers, but still love the presence of gorgeous blooms, this is the post for you. 

I took several of our lily varieties home to test the “smell phenomenon,” placing each variety in a different room for a clear distinction of scent. Here, I provide you with a short-but-sweet summary about which lilies to choose for your all your scented (or non-scented) needs. 

High-Level Smell:
The lily with the strongest fragrance comes as part of our Orchid Lily Line—our well-known Starfighter Lily.  Its colorful blooms and sweet smell brings a bright and lively presence to any room.  I placed a bouquet in my living room, and every time I entered the room I was reminded of stepping off a plane in a tropical paradise, the air heavy with honeyed smells.  If you are one who loves powerfully fragrant flowers, opt for our Starfighter Lily; or, if you prefer a less provocative scent, try our other Orchid Lilies, such as White Cup, Sorbonne, or Curie.   All lilies of the Sun Valley Orchid variety have graceful, arching petals and range in color from pure white to warm hues of pink and red.  

Our famous Starfighter smells how it looks—vibrant!

Mid-Level Smell:
These beauties still have a fragrance, but it is less direct than our Orchid varieties.   These slightly sweet flowers include all varieties of our Sonata Lilies, whose upward facing, 6-inch blooms boast an intensely delicate scent with a light citrus-green background.   The smell of these lovely lilies is subtle, only coming to the surface when you stick your face in them and take in a big, deep breath.   Sonatas are a hybrid of both Oriental and Trumpet Lilies, giving us the best of both worlds in terms of satin-like colors, longevity of life, and light, pleasing scents.

 These Sonata Lilies exhibit a subtle scent to match to their soft, silken colors, this is Time Zone.

Low-Level Smell:
Roselilies (which are part of our Specialty Lilies collection) are lush, double-flowered, gorgeous blooms that demand attention with their appearance, while offering a soft and delightful fragrance. Because their layered blooms are pollen-free and their aroma light, they are a great choice when wanting to visually “wow” your audience without triggering any floral allergies or scent sensitivities.  
One of my favorite Specialty Lilies, Belonica, has giant double blooms that will tickle your fancy, not your nose.

No Smell:
For those who would like immense flora with low-to-no smell, our Love Lilies and Royal Lilies are the blooms for you.  These Asiatic and Longiflorum-Asiatic hybrid lilies are well known for their strong stems, smooth petal forms, long lasting blooms, and, of course, their lack of smell.  Their petal texture is thicker than other lily varieties, which means a longer vase life and their colors range from richly saturated hues to soft, pastel-like shades.  If you suffer from floral allergies or simply don’t like fragrant flowers, check out the large selection of Love (Asiatic) and Royal (Longiflorum-Asiatic) Lilies for a beautiful, verdant display without any additional smell.

siatic Lily Bouquet
A colorful combination of our odorless Love Lilies.
White LA Hybrid Lilies, Bach
A close-up of one of our long-lasting, no-smell Royal Lilies, this is Royal Bach.
 I hope you enjoyed our walk-through scented science experiment. Regardless of your preference of smell or no smell, all our long-lasting lily varieties will be sure to offer a visual experience like no other.  What do you think? Are you a fragrant flower lover or do you prefer beautiful bouquets without, ahem, a strong bouquet?

Lady Aster on Flower Talk Blog